AP Scores
Students may earn Advanced Placement (AP) course credit by exam. An AP score of 3 is required to receive UoM college credit for General Psychology (PSYC 1030).
Apply to Graduate
Students must apply to graduate. They may apply once they have earned at least 80 hours and have at least a 1.95 GPA, but no later than approximately 5 months before their expected graduation date. This application will trigger an "audit" of courses to determine exactly what hours must be taken in order to graduate. Additional Information about the application process and deadlines can be found here. Further Information about graduation may be found here.
Catalog with PSYC Courses
Your catalog outlines all requirements for graduation, all academic programs (including minors) offered at University or Memphis, and lists all courses taught in UM Psychology.
A list of courses, their descriptions, and prerequisites are available in our catalog. From the link below, choose the Undergraduate Catalog in the upper right. Choose Course Descriptions from the left menu. Choose Psychology.
Changing Personal Information
Students who need to change personal information with the university may find information about how to do this on the Changing Personal Data page.
Class Schedule
Students can use the dynamic schedule to search for online and Memphis campus classes by using a number of different search criteria.
Another route for searching courses can be found here. Here you will find explanations of how to conduct advanced searches, such as how to search for courses offered at certain times in certain locations. You can also find more specific search methods for this tool here.
While Lambuth students may also use the dynamic schedule, they may prefer to use the separate list of courses taught on the Lambuth campus and by Lambuth faculty.
Many students use elective hours or a minor to tailer their degree to fit their career goals. Students interested in Behavioral Neuroscience or Cognitive Science, however, may choose to add a concentration.
Behavioral neuroscience focuses on understanding the biological basis of behavior and cognition. University of Memphis faculty in this area study the neurophysiology of drug and alcohol addiction, genetic basis of behavior, neural substrates of spatial and non-spatial memory, executive function, and motivation. Faculty explore these areas using experimental analysis of animal behavior, in vivo and in vitro neurochemical and electrophysiological measures, and psychopharmacological interventions.
Behavioral Neuroscience students complete the same psychology curriculum as the regular BA or BS in psychology. However, their choices of courses in the broad areas of psychology as well as some of their elective courses are related to Cognitive Science
Explore the BA in Psychology with Behavioral Neuroscience Concentration
Explore the BS in Psychology with Behavioral Neuroscience Concentration
Cognitive science is the interdisciplinary study of mind and intelligence, combining fields such as Cognitive Psychology, Artificial Intelligence, and Linguistics. Cognitive Science students complete the same psychology curriculum as the regular BA or BS in psychology. However, their choices of courses in the broad areas of psychology as well as some of their elective courses are related to Cognitive Science.
Explore the BA in Psychology with Cognitive Science Concentration
Explore the BS in Psychology with Cognitive Science Concentration
Degrees and Course Requirements
Psychology Majors may choose to earn a BA (Bachelor of Arts) Degree or a BS (Bachelor of Science) Degree. Within each degree, psychology majors may then choose to follow a general path or they may choose to pursue a concentration in either Behavioral Neuroscience or Cognitive Science.
Drop/Withdraw From a Course
The drop or withdrawal process is an important tools to be used when a student is struggling. If a student "withdraws" from a course, a "W" will appear on their transcript next to that course, the course will not impact their gpa, and the student will not receive credit for that course.
The deadline to withdraw from a course is approximately three quarters of the way into a. course. For the exact deadline for a particular term, consult the UoM Registrar's page, your advisor, or your instructor. Information on how to drop/withdraw from a course after the deadline has passed is found later on this page under "Late Withdraw from a Course."
Elective Courses
Students must take courses outside their major and general education (I.e., "electives") to graduate. Explore details about electives along with some good recommendations.
Explore great elective options for many different career interests here.
Late Addition of a Course
After web registration has closed, students may request to add or register by submitting a TigerHelp request. Instructor approval is required in order for the Registrar's Office to attempt registration.
Late and Retroactive Withdrawal from a Course
Late withdrawals and retroactive withdrawals are requests to drop a course or courses after the final date to drop classes has passed. These withdrawals are approved in the cases of serious and unforeseen circumstances that make it impossible for the student to complete classes that semester. Find guidelines for the process here. Additional information may be found here.
To complement your career choice or interests, you may decide to add a minor. A minor typically consists of about 18 hours in a discipline outside your major. Your advisor can help you with this decision and can add your minor to your official plan of study.
Requirements for a minor in Psychology are PSYC 1030 (General Psychology), PSYC 3010 (Research and Statistics I), PSYC 3020 (Research and Statistics II), and 9 additional upper division psychology hours.
A permit allows a student to enroll in an course for which they have the necessary prerequisites but run into an error that prevents them from registering. For example, PSYC 1030 (General Psychology) is a prerequisites for upper division (3000 and 4000 level) Psychology courses. If however, a student's transcript shows an older version of General Psychology (i.e., PSYC 1101 and 1102), the student may be prevented from enrolling in an upper division course and need to request a permit.
Pre-Health, Pre-Law, and Pre-Professional Students
Psychology majors interested in a health field may pursue any of the following: medical school, nursing school, physical therapy school, occupational therapy graduate program, or speech therapy grad program.
Students planning to attend a professional health or law school following graduation from UoM should work with a pre-professional advisor and utilize appropriate resources to fulfill requirements for admission to their program.
Make an appointment with your advisor to determine what classes to take and have your advisor enter your "alternate PIN."
Find the date that you can register.
Register online through the myMemphis portal as early as possible for the best course selection; once you are in the portal, look for the Register for Classes link on your Student page. A video that walks you through the process is available here.
Refer to the Registration Quick Guide for an overview of online registration.
If you encounter problems trying to register, refer to our Errors and Problems page and/or contact your advisor.
If you need a permit to register for a particular section, refer to our Permits page or contact your advisor.
Register for classes.
If a course section is full, you can add yourself to a waitlist and be notified if a space opens up for you.
If you have errors when you try to register, trouble shoot at this website.
Review your personal class schedule after you have registered for classes. Check it for accuracy. Look especially at time, days, room, and campus location.
Registration Errors & Holds
Sometimes students receive an error when they attempt to register. This page of registration errors and problems can help solve your registration problem. If after attempting to resolve the problem yourself using these resources, you are still unable to register, please contact your advisor.
If you have a hold on your registration, please check this list of common holds, which contains explanations and the appropriate people to contact.
Sample Course Plans
Freshmen and transfer students may explore sample course plans for a 4-year track and a 2-year track. Sample plans are available for those who pursue a general major with no concentration, those who pursue a psych major with behavioral neuroscience concentration, and those seeking a psych major with cognitive science concentration.
Senior Field Test
All graduating seniors must register for (PSYC 4900) and take a Psychology Field Test during their last semester at UoM.
A thesis provides a unique opportunity for students to learn from faculty mentors in an individualized setting. Students are led by mentors to complete a piece of experimental research of interest to both the student and professor. The two-semester project begins with 3 credit hours (PSYC 4504 or 4506) of an independent Directed Research course under the tutorship of a faculty mentor. The thesis culminates the next semester with 3 additional credit hours (PSYC 4994 - 4999) to complete the final thesis product.
The thesis project will typically consist of an empirical data-collection study that is conducted by the undergraduate student in collaboration with the mentor and his/her laboratory participants. In some cases where large data sets have previously been collected, or in which the student could not collect the type of data needed, the project may be carried out on existing data. In this case the student should be heavily involved in the data analysis and thoroughly understand the procedures used. Whichever type of project is chosen, the student should contribute creatively to the research. A high standard of intellectual engagement and time commitment is expected throughout the two-semester sequence.
The purpose of the thesis is to learn the process of conducting research in psychology. Students will learn how to (1) read and evaluate the research literature; (2) derive and state hypotheses; (3) collect and/or organize data using accepted methodologies; (4) analyze data using appropriate statistical techniques; (5) draw logical conclusions from data analysis; (6) relate these conclusions to the research literature; and (7) present a thesis orally and in writing. These goals may be achieved regardless of whether the thesis produces statistically significant support for the stated hypotheses or makes an original contribution to the research literature.
Students considering a thesis should discuss this with a faculty member who conducts research of interest to them. Ideally, this will happen by the junior year. Students may also consider volunteering in a faculty member's lab to learn more about research In their area.
The Directed Research/Thesis Guidelines provide a complete set of guidelines for the sequence.
The Thesis Proposal Form is required for a thesis proposal.
When the thesis has received final committee approval, visit Instructions for Binding of Honors Thesis for binding information.
Tiger SmartStart Textbooks
Should You Participate?
When deciding whether to participate in this textbook program, students should look at their upcoming required materials through the bookstore website to compare the price of buying/renting all their books and materials themselves to staying in the Tiger SmartStart program. Also, consider convenience issues described below and that you may have heard from other students. Then, make the decision of whether to remain in the program or opt out. Please see details below.
Trouble with Your Book?
If you are in the Tiger SmartStart program and having difficulty getting access to your books, please contact the instructor of your course. If they are unable to help you gain access, they should work with the bookstore to resolve the issue.
Overview of Program
1. When a student registers for classes, Barnes and Noble will use their schedule to begin putting together a package with all the books, access codes, and lab equipment for their courses.
2. Students will be charged $24 per credit hour for which they are enrolled. (e.g., Students enrolled in 12 hours will be charged $288).
3. Prior to classes starting, students will receive an email asking them to indicate how they would like to receive their books. (You will receive books, whether you respond to this email or not.)
4. Books should be ready for pick-up or delivered before classes start.
5. Books are rentals, not purchases.
Automatic Enrollment OR Opting Out
All students will be automatically enrolled in this book program. If they do not wish to be enrolled, they must OPT OUT by accessing a link on the Tiger SmartStart website beginning 30 days before the first day of class until classes start. They may also opt out until the 2nd Friday of classes but will not receive a full refund. This is an “all or none” program; student may not use the service for some classes and not others.
Why Does Barnes and Noble Think This is an Advantage?
Students may have their books prior to the beginning of classes, which can help with performance in classes. So students who rely on financial aid checks to come in before they can get their books will no longer have to wait on those checks.
Other Considerations
● Students will be charged $24/credit hour even for classes where there is no textbook, access code, or lab fees.
● Professors may list a book as “recommended” or “required.” Barnes and Noble tells us that “recommended” books will not be provided in a student's bundle unless the student requests them. Our understanding, however, is that they will still be charged the $24 per credit hour.
● For courses without books or free materials, students will still be charged $24 per credit hour.
● For some schedules, the Tiger SmartStart cost is advantages. For other schedules, it is more advantageous to rent the textbooks yourself through online stores.
Barnes and Noble feels this system can be very convenient for students. If it is working properly, it can be. However, in the past year: the Store has not been able to fulfill many student needs; there has been difficulty getting physical copies of books to students who want them; and bookstore staff have been unable to work effectively with students to rectify problems.
The bookstore tells us that if you look on their website to see what textbooks you need, the only books you will see are the ones where the instructor ordered an electronic book. If faculty ordered physical copies of books, they will not show on their website.
Advice to Students
It would be advisable for students to look at their upcoming required materials through the bookstore website to compare the price of buying/renting all their books and materials themselves to staying in the Tiger SmartStart program. Consider the convenience issue described above. Then, make the decision of whether to remain in the program or opt out. This should be done early enough to comfortably opt out if needed and still order books prior to classes beginning. If you haven’t already made the decision, you may be reminded when you receive the email from the bookstore asking how you wish to receive your order.
Note: If you decide to order books yourself, you will find electronic books listed on the bookstore webpage, but you will need to email the instructor for any books that are not electronic.
Communicate with your instructor if you have been unable to get your textbook before classes begin. Ask them to advocate for their class with the bookstore.
Further details are available at
UM Degree
UMDegree is a the tool UoM uses to track your required courses for graduation. With this tool, you may do the following:
See what courses you have completed (green check mark), what courses you still need (red circle), and courses you're currently in (blue circle).
See the "Plans" for courses you need each semester until graduation. (Click "Plans" at the top.)
Ask "what if" I added a minor or concentration, what courses would I need? (Click the "What If" link mid-way down the first page.)
Use a "GPA Calculator" to determine what grades you need to hit a target GPA. (Access this link from the three dots In the upper right corner.)
If a course is full when you try to register, you may join that course's "waitlist." If a spot opens, you will be emailed immediately, and that spot will be held for you for 24 hours.